See why men are more likely to be diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes here.

Why Are Men Prone to Type 2 Diabetes? Here Are 3 Reasons Why

Understand why a lot of men are diabetic with this quick read.

See why men are more likely to be diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes here.

Why Are Men Prone to Type 2 Diabetes? Here Are 3 Reasons Why

Understand why a lot of men are diabetic with this quick read.

One unfortunate reality men have to face would be the risk of being diagnosed with complicated health issues, like diabetes. Based on data from the International Diabetes Federation’s Diabetes Atlas for 2021, there were 17.7 million more men living with diabetes compared to women. Prevalence among men aged 20 to 79 years old was at 10.8% compared to 10.2% among women.

Do not let this slim margin fool you though, as multiple studies conducted previously also noted that men had a higher diabetes risk compared to women. 

There are certain factors that can predispose men to Type 2 diabetes more compared to women. Take a closer look at what scientific studies have to say about this potential link.

#1: The presence of visceral fat

Visceral fat is primarily located in your stomach and wraps around your abdominal organs. This type of fat can be concerning because it may not be easily visible or felt. Fat can accumulate in the said area without you noticing, potentially resulting in inflammation that can spiral into insulin resistance and diabetes.

According to one 2021 study, the presence of visceral fat in men and women increased the risk of Type 2 diabetes. Authors highlighted that a man’s risk for Type 2 diabetes increases when visceral fat values are greater than or equal to 125 cm2

#2: Increased susceptibility of men to certain health issues

A 2020 study detailed differences in men and women when it came to their Type 2 diabetes risk. One significant insight was that men were more prone to health issues like obesity, insulin resistance, and hyperglycemia or high blood sugar levels. All these health issues are known to contribute to a higher diabetes risk.,

#3: Differences in insulin sensitivity

The term “insulin” is usually brought up when diabetes is being discussed. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that helps with blood sugar regulation in the body. People who are less insulin sensitive or are insulin resistant are more prone to developing diabetes. Diabetes therapy also includes approaches that improve insulin sensitivity as this will enable the body to utilize sugar more efficiently and reduce blood sugar levels.

According to researchers who authored the 2020 study mentioned earlier, insulin sensitivity levels were better among women compared to men. As for why men are not as insulin sensitive, factors like age or hypogonadism (decreased production of sex hormones by the body) may be to blame. 

However, this does not mean that women should be complacent, since these “advantages” may be lost once glucose tolerance progresses towards diabetes.

What Can Men Do to Lower Their Diabetes Risk?

If you aim to prevent Type 2 diabetes, it is important to follow lifestyle changes constantly recommended by health experts. For starters, make sure to increase exercise or physical activity. 

Working out may help promote better insulin sensitivity, and maintain ideal blood sugar and blood pressure levels and healthy weight. Just be careful if you have comorbidities or physical injuries, since you do not want to hurt yourself in the process. Talk to your doctor about the potential workouts that you can do given your health status. 

Follow a balanced diet composed of nutrient-rich food like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains too. Doing so may also help you maintain an ideal healthy weight, and prevent obesity that may negatively impact your diabetes risk.

If you want to know more about your diabetes risk, consult your doctor immediately. They can help you understand where you currently are and suggest helpful strategies.

Unfortunately, if there are warning signs pointing to diabetes or you are already diagnosed with diabetes, you may be advised by your physician to take medicines. Glimepiride or metformin, which are both prescription medicines that must be taken under the supervision of your doctor, may be helpful in managing your condition.

Glimepiride or metformin, which are both prescription medicines that must be taken under the supervision of your doctor, may be helpful in managing your condition.


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