Learn how to make your own exercise routine and achieve your fitness goals one by one!

How to Create an Effective Workout Routine Today

Time to get physical and achieve your fitness goals!

Learn how to make your own exercise routine and achieve your fitness goals one by one!

How to Create an Effective Workout Routine Today

Time to get physical and achieve your fitness goals!

Been wanting to create your own workout routine but are unsure where to start? Check out these tips and create a workout routine that will be effective and sustainable for you! In no time, you can get up and move effortlessly on any given day.

  1. Determine your fitness goals.
    Do you want to lose some pounds? Are you aiming for six-pack abs or toned muscles? Or both of these? Before you dive deep into the world of workouts, it may be ideal to determine your objectives and goals for actually exercising first.

  2. Check your fitness levels.
    There are types of exercises that are best done by people of a certain fitness level. This is not meant to discourage you though – some exercises can be very difficult for beginners and may result in injuries if not done correctly.

    Another reason why it is important to check your fitness level is because it serves as a baseline that will help you see your progress. There are many ways to determine your fitness levels, such as checking your body mass index (BMI) or waist circumference, counting the amount of pushups you can perform, or the length of time it will take for you to run a certain distance.

    However, if you have pre-existing comorbidities or conditions like hypertension, arthritis, kidney disease, type 1 or 2 diabetes, pulmonary issues like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), consult your doctor first. The opinion of a health professional can help you understand your limits when it comes to exercising so you do not overwork yourself and worsen your condition.

  3. Cycle through various types of exercises in your routine.
    Doing so will make you less bored with your routine, allow you to exercise various muscle groups, and lower your risk for injury or overexertion of a particular muscle.

    Each week, try to sneak in 150 minutes of moderate aerobic or cardiovascular conditioning exercises, 75 minutes of vigorous exercise, or a combination of these. However, if you really want to maximize all the benefits you can get from a workout, strive to get 300 minutes of exercise each week.

    If you are pressed for time, especially on busy days, but are fully committed to working out, try treating your workout as an “appointment.” Block a certain time of the day for this purpose and “show up” to your exercise session.

    If that is not your thing, try multitasking – you can watch a movie or an episode of your favorite show while on the treadmill or stationary bike, or walk during work breaks (whether at home or the office)., A recent study revealed that as little as 6,000 steps may help reduce someone’s risk for all-cause mortality.

    No matter which exercise or workout you choose though, make sure to complement it with a healthy and balanced diet loaded with nutrient-rich food. This way, your body can have the energy it needs to sustain your workouts. Plus, stay hydrated throughout your routine too. Have a bottle of water by your side in case you become thirsty to prevent dehydration.

  4. Allot a rest day.
    This is important if you are a beginner. Muscle or body soreness is expected after a workout, so make sure you give yourself ample recovery time.

    In case you experience body pain after exercising, you can ask your physician about taking medicines like Ibuprofen and Paracetamol as they may help alleviate body pain and aches.

    However, if you still feel intense body pain and experience difficulty moving despite taking these medicines or trying additional remedies, you have probably overworked your body. At this rate, it may be better to stop exercising for one day until you are fully recovered. Exercising too much can lead to other injuries and render you incapable of doing physical activity.

  5. Take note of equipment or items that will help you exercise better.
    Start first with proper footwear. It is recommended that you buy or choose shoes that can help you perform your desired exercises. It is up to you whether you will splurge or save, but just make sure that the shoes will fit you very well and will not feel uncomfortable.

    As for exercise equipment, try to invest in items that you will frequently use. You would also want to consider if there is enough room for equipment too, especially if you live in an apartment or condominium unit. Good examples of exercise equipment to look out for include a jumping rope, a yoga mat, kettlebell weights, or dumbbells.

    Lastly, you may also consider downloading fitness applications for your smartphone or tablet. These apps are not just free, but may also help you track metrics like calories burned, distance covered, or heart rate.

If you are still unsure about how to start a workout routine that will help you achieve your fitness goals, do not hesitate to reach out to a physical trainer. They can help you understand your current fitness status, suggest exercises that will make you feel the burn, and create a more structured workout plan. 










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