Even if you are a beginner, you can totally master these exercise moves!

4 Workout Moves Beginners Can Ace

You’ll be the MVP with these tried-and-tested moves in no time!

Even if you are a beginner, you can totally master these exercise moves!

4 Workout Moves Beginners Can Ace

You’ll be the MVP with these tried-and-tested moves in no time!

Feeling inspired and want to work out? Excellent idea! No matter which workout you choose, your body will thank you for it.

However, if you are a “rookie” and do not know where to start, do not worry! You can always start with the basics and learn moves that can serve as the “foundation” of some exercise routines.

When you learn these moves and constantly practice them, you can master these in no time and improve your fitness levels! A major advantage of all of these moves lies in their ability to be done everywhere and with little to no equipment (an exercise mat will do).

Before you do any of these moves though, make sure your form and posture are correct to prevent further injuries and pain. Moreover, if you have existing injuries or a history of these, be careful when doing sudden movements especially on sensitive parts of your body.

To be sure, especially if you have a history of an injury, ask your doctor or a physical therapist first if you can perform certain moves or not. They can analyze which parts of your body may be at risk if you do certain moves, and suggest other ways for you to stay fit without harming your body.

  1. Squats

    Squats are a calorie-burning move that can work on your glutes, lower back, thighs, hip flexors, calves, and core muscles. This move helps maintain your knees’ stability, remove extra weight from your knees and ankles, and make your tendons, bones, and ligaments stronger.

    Knowing how to do a basic squat with the proper form and mechanics can be an advantage since you can do this even if you are in your 40s or 50s. It is a move that can definitely be performed by everyone.

    While squats are usually done with your body weight, if you feel like challenging yourself, you can add barbells, dumbbells, resistance bands, or yoga bands.

  2. Lunges

    Lunges can work on the muscles in your abdomen, back, thighs (like hamstrings), legs, and calves. Performing lunges will help you burn more calories, lessen body fat, build lean muscle, and prevent injuries.

    Plus, lunges may assist in improving your posture, and in promoting better balance, coordination, and stability. This particular move is also recommended for rehabilitation purposes since it may help rectify certain misalignments in your body.

    If you like a little bit of a challenge, you can do modified lunges, such as walking lunges, reverse lunges, or twist lunges.

  3. Modified push-ups

    Push-ups are often dreaded because of the effort it takes to master these, but once you master this move, it will be worth it. Push-ups may work your whole body, especially your chest, arms, abdominal muscles, hips, and legs.

    This move helps burn calories, build strength, and enhance flexibility, posture, and balance. Moreover, when done properly push-ups are said to help reduce injuries related to your shoulders and lower back.

    Just like squats, you can opt to do push-ups anywhere – just make sure you are wearing the appropriate clothes.

    Be cautious, though, as beginners learning to do push-ups correctly can injure their wrists with just a misstep. If you need help with your push-ups, you can ask someone for help. You can also try modified push-ups that are not as difficult and reduces your injury risk.

  4. Planks

    If you want a full-body burn, count on planks. These target core muscles, obliques, upper body muscles in your chest and arms, and lower body muscles in your thighs, hamstrings, and butt. Knowing how to properly do planks may aid in improving your flexibility, and assist in lowering your risk for injuries and lower back pain.

    With these moves in mind, you can start your fitness journey today. Try to incorporate them into a routine you already planned. You can also check out online tutorials that will help you grasp the dos and don’ts of these moves.

    If you feel any sort of pain or discomfort after working out, listen to your body and rest. While it is normal to feel some muscle pain or discomfort after a workout, you would not want to risk further injuries because of extra movement.

    As mentioned earlier, always be mindful of your form to prevent injuries or additional discomfort linked to exercise. Feel free to talk to a fitness coach or professional trainer to know how to do these mentioned moves better. Since they are very knowledgeable when it comes to exercises, they can help you get into position better and perform the move without injuries.













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